Monday, January 10, 2011

Necessary Updates

Maija and me, super excited to see Harry Potter (in English!)
I cannot believe I have already been in Salzburg for half a year. I still don't feel like I've mastered this whole living in a foreign country thing, but maybe I never will. And I certainly haven't mastered this whole keeping up with my blog thing. I guess some things never change!

Anyway, between Fall Break and Thanksgiving, not much happened. We FINALLY got paid (two months after arriving, thank you), saw Harry Potter, and slowly got used to life in Salzburg. It snowed, then got warm again, then snowed in time for a white Christmas - and just in time to screw up most flights in and out of Europe. But that story is for one of the next few posts. It's dawned on me that I haven't even written about Thanksgiving yet, and yet here it is, 11 days into the new year. Yikes...

Celebrating our first pay-day with champagne on the Steinterrasse, a restaurant with the most beautiful view of the city
The view from the Steinterrasse
Our champagne
A normal Austrian vending machine - coke, coke ,red bull,
The view of the mountains from Schloss Leopoldskrone (the house used as the Von Trapp house in the Sound of Music). Maija and I found this accidentally while walking on one of the last beautiful fall days.
Crazy looking ducks
Ugly-duckling swan
Leopoldskrone aka the Von Trapp house

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