Our first day in Paris began with a trip to the train station to buy a ticket for my journey back to Freiburg. In the train station we got lost, wandered around, asked a guy for help with ticket buying who explained everything to us but couldn't actually sell us the ticket, found the people who could sell us the ticket, waited in line forever, then waited some more while Dad bought museum passes. This trend continued for most of our Paris trip: long lines, confusion, bureaucracy, bad directions... (As an interesting side note: I'm currently writing a paper on the European Union, and found in my research that the EU's bureaucracy is based on the French bureaucracy. I am now a little concerned for the future of the EU.)
We did, however, manage to sucessfully navigate the subway system. As an added bonus, none of us had anything stolen. This doesn't mean we didn't lose anything - I dropped my camera's lens cap into the metro tracks within the first few minutes of being there. Chris threatened to go in and get it, but didn't (thankfully). We took our subway to the center of the city and started our Paris tour with Notre Dame. I had seen it before, but this time was certainly better. For one, Pat was there to explain some of the architectural features; Dad found the top of a prayer candle that fits my camera lens exactly, so I've now got a new lens cap; and this time we got to go to the top! Our museum passes, which 'supposedly' let you cut lines, did not save us from the hour long wait at Notre Dame. It was worth the wait, though!