Lately in Salzburg we've been having this beautiful weather that left me with the desire to do nothing but sleep all day. One of my teachers calls this "Föhn". Föhn is apparently an alpine wind that, according to her, makes you feel "as if you're under a bell" and don't want to do anything; it can make you hot even though it's not really that warm outside, and makes you restless and easily excitable. Part of me thinks this is just a catchall excuse, but it does capture exactly how I've been feeling! I've just had no goat (another fabulous Austrian expression). In Austria you say "Ich habe keinen Bock" or in Salzburger dialect "Eee hob kein Bock," which means you have absolutely no desire to do something. For example, I have no goat to write up any lesson plans right now...
Anyway, the week before fall break Maija, Dave and I decided to take a miniature break of our own. We headed out to Bischofshofen, Austria - a small town (a 'willage' as the Austrians call it) where Fleur lives. Fleur is another of the many Brits here in the Salzburger land, but since she lives outside of the city she hasn't yet shown up on my blog. Just wait - she'll be all over the next few posts!
There's not really much to say about Bischofshofen. It's a quiet town with one main street, a train station, and more cows than people. The 'willage' sits in a deep valley, surrounded by striking mountain peaks and a giant ski jump. Apparently the thing to do in the winter is to go watch ski jump competitions in Bischofshofen. The shops close early, and there are about three restaurants in the downtown. Actually, it was a welcome change from the chaos that Salzburg can be. The four of us relaxed, drank hot chocolate (or tea for the Brits) and wandered around before heading out to get delicious pizza and beer, and catch the train home in time to get a good night's sleep before class in the morning.
There's not really much to say about Bischofshofen. It's a quiet town with one main street, a train station, and more cows than people. The 'willage' sits in a deep valley, surrounded by striking mountain peaks and a giant ski jump. Apparently the thing to do in the winter is to go watch ski jump competitions in Bischofshofen. The shops close early, and there are about three restaurants in the downtown. Actually, it was a welcome change from the chaos that Salzburg can be. The four of us relaxed, drank hot chocolate (or tea for the Brits) and wandered around before heading out to get delicious pizza and beer, and catch the train home in time to get a good night's sleep before class in the morning.