We got to the island around midnight, and already we could tell it was beautiful. Stelio, the owner of our hostel, came and picked us up at the ferry himself. He pointed out a few things as we drove back to the hostel, which was on the far side of the island, let us into our room, and went to bed. Our room was simple but not spartan, and the bed was very comfortable. The shower was really the only bad part, because it was literally two feet by two feet, with a handheld nozzle. This meant that none of us could shower without getting the entire bathroom soaked. But the family that owns the hostel was amazing and so helpful, which is not common in the hostel scene.
Our first day in Santorini was speant exploring the close areas of the island. Santorini is shaped like a donut with a bite out of it, and we were on the ouside of the round part. The towns are all on the inside of the donut, which is the picturesque part of the island. Our side has the black sand beaches, though, which we spent quality time walking - only along the wooden paths, though, because the sand is HOT. There was very little tidal swing at our beach, Perissa, and the moment that the land turns into water, the ground becomes stone instead of sand. Which is cool, but very slippery. We had an awful time trying to walk back to shore on the slimy rock!
That night, we took the bus (which is notoriously late) to the island's capital, Fira. Fira is in the exact center of the inside of the donut, if you can picture that. It's the largest town on the island, but not nearly as picturesque as Oia. Still, it's Santorini; nothing is UNpicturesque, just less jaw-dropping than other parts of the island. We followed the shoreline for a while, which is really the edge of a cliff right along the water. All of the restaurant owners shout to you: "OUR FISH IS THE FRESHEST! I HAVE THE PERFECT TABLE FOR YOU!!" It's exhausting after a while, but all part of the experience I guess. I brought my Lonely Planet, which told us that this restaurant Nikolas was the best. And of course, it was. It was full of locals and tourists, and the service was the most efficient we experienced in Greece, and the food the most delicous. We had fried cheese, stuffed peppers, pork kabob, local wine (Santorini is known for wine, apparently), and baklava. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! The flavors are incredible, and there is nothing like fresh olive oil.
Our second day we signed up to go on a volcano tour, followed by a trip to Oia to watch the sun set. Santorini is, actually, a volcano, with the center being the island in the middle of the 'donut'. It has cycles where it erupts, rebuilds the land around the center, and collapses. Our tour took us to the island in the center, then to the hot springs - which meant we jumped out of the boat into the hot water - and then to a small island called Therissa (I think) where we ate lunch. Kiersten and I also got a donkey ride to the top of the island, because we figured it was one of those things that you need to do. Bryce ran ahead the entire time to try and take pictures. For future referene, riding a donkey DOWN is actually better, because the stairs are so slick with donkey poop that the going is incredibly slow. Finally, after our donkey ride, we were ferried back to the mainland for an Oia sunset.

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