I managed to get out of Europe on the perfect day. The weekend before I left, most flights out of Europe (particularly through London) were canceled; the very next day Paris was completely shut down. Given my luck flying, we had decided to leave a few extra days for me to get home. I'm sure I would have made it home somehow, but I'm definitely glad we scheduled everything the way we did!
I arrived in Boston, exhausted but excited to see Dan. We went directly from the airport to his apartment in Worcester where I showered, got dressed, and headed immediately to his friends' holiday party. It was actually quite nice to jump right back into real life, though in retrospect I'm glad we only stayed for a few hours. I like to convince myself that I'm a good traveler and can combat jetlag like a pro (like I did with the Oktoberfest plane journey) however the fact that I was jetlagged for about a week after this journey might be evidence to the contrary.
After a solid 8-hour sleep, Dan and I loaded up the car, drove to his house, changed cars, and had his brother drive us to the airport for our flight to St. Louis.
Surprisingly, I didn't take many photos while I was at home. After my whirlwind few weeks before the break, I think all I really wanted to do was enjoy being around my family, in my own bed, with all of the familiar comforts of home around me. I didn't realize how much I missed home until I went back! It's the ease of knowing how everything works, knowing that you can talk to anyone (and make yourself understood), and being surrounded by family that will take care of you that is most comforting. That, and the fact that I didn't have to cook anything for an entire week.
Anyway, Christmas happened as usual. We opened Uncle Rich's "brick" of gifts first, followed by our stockings and gifts under the tree on Christmas day. There was even snow on Christmas eve! And then, just before New Year's, it was close to 60 degrees again. Oh, St. Louis weather, how I've missed you.
To be honest, the rest of the Holidays were one big blur of family, too much good food, and trying to soak up America before returning to Europe. Basically, it was everything I could have asked for in a Christmas break.

ahh this is adorable. i love the forbringer clan!!