Monday, August 16, 2010

Hudson '09

Every year we make the long trip back from the East Coast to Hudson before returning to St. Louis. This post is a little special, and a little hard to write, because it contains the last pictures that I have of Mona.

I don't think we spent too long in Ohio before driving back, probably because we all had to get back for school. But before we left we got a chance to gather in Lakewood, where we barbecued on the beach with everyone - Marty and Joe included! After eating, while the adults sat around and chatted, we young folk took off to play on the playground. We left before dark, and headed back to Lakewood/Hudson. Then our car left in the morning...but not before stopping at the farmers' market where we bought garlic, sweet corn, and cinnamon buns made by a nice Amish family.

Uncle John enjoys using duct tape and other various household items (in this case, string) to secure things like the kayaks to the roof of the car.
Another view of the kayaks. They're not going anywhere.
Mona and me at the beach
Pat and Papa
Unc and David

Enjoying the Clifton Club

Mom and Marty, deep in conversation
The playground photoshoot began on the slide
And continued on the merry-go-round. Even the pictures make me a little dizzy.

Boys being boys, on the fake pirate ship
David shivering the timbers

Cleveland skyline
Pat and Unc are so thug outside of the farmers' market in Hudson

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